Comprehensive Plan Update 2021 & Resources

The Village of Fairport 2021 Adopted Comprehensive Plan 

Additional Documentation

2012 Comprehensive Plan
2007 Comprehensive Plan
2010 Sustainability Plan

Learning Resources
Videos and documents that share information useful in the planning process for your community.

The Principles of Beautiful & Livable Cities: Mayor Joseph Riley
Principles of Livable Cities Video
Mayor Joseph Riley Jr. was first elected mayor of Charleston, S.C., in December 1975 and spent 40 years in office. Riley led a city government with an impressive record of innovation in public safety, housing, arts and culture, children’s issues, the creation of park and other public spaces, and economic revitalization and development. Charleston is recognized as one of the most livable and progressive cities in the United States.
Issues: Leadership; Human Scale; Historic Preservation; Affordable Housing

Four Generations: Doug Farr
4 Generations Video

The timeline of climate change is long, but our time to act is short. Even the best-intentioned sustainable building rating systems barely make a dent in reducing the emissions that are leading to an increasingly warmer, less-predictable planet. Moreover, humans are ill-equipped for the long-term and collective thinking required for meaningful climate change action. Doug Farr examines the powerful cultural forces of recent history that have successful influenced societies’ behaviors for the better and expands on the themes from his forthcoming book, Sustainable Nation—laying out a path forward for a sustainable nation in four generations.
Issues: Sustainability; Climate Change; Urbanism; Density; Walkability; Health; Patience

Bring Back Main Street w/ Small Scale Manufacturing: Ilana Preuss
Many places are stuck in a default model of economic development strategies left over from the 80’s. People and places are being left behind. It doesn’t have to be that way. This training describes how we can flip the model on economic development and do it in a better way. One that invests in people and places. One that focus on action now and not just long-term plans. This training shows how to build a strong and resilient economy through concrete steps to include all types of talent in your entrepreneurship efforts, why (and how) to focus on small-scale manufacturing businesses as a catalyst, and how new real estate models for main street (and downtown) can be essential to your success.
Issues: Economics of Main Street; Mixed-Use; COVID19; Place-making

The general theory of walkability | Jeff Speck | TEDxMidAtlantic
The Walkable City

Accessory Dwelling Units
ABCs of Accessory Dwelling Units
The ABCs if ADUs
ABCs of ADUs (pdf)