Historic Preservation Commission

  May is Preservation Month!


The Members of the Historic Preservation Commission:

  • Cara Meyers, Chair
  • David Steitz, Deputy Chair
  • Charles Smith, Commissioner
  • Doris Davis-Fritsch, Commissioner
  • Kiel Wobser, Commissioner
  • Laura DiCaprio, Alternate Commissioner
The members of the Historic Preservation Commission are appointed to five year terms by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Trustees.

The Commission seeks to protect, enhance, and perpetuate Fairport's landmarks and historic districts in a manner consistent with our changing society.  And by so doing promote the economic, cultural, educational, and general welfare of the Village of Fairport and its residents.

Historic Preservation FAQ's -commonly asked questions:

  • What is a Village Designated Landmark or Historic District?

A designated landmark is an officially recognized historic building or structure. A a group of properties in one area can be formed into an historic district. 

  • If a building or district is historically designated, what does that mean?

It is important to be aware of the differences between national, state and local designations of historic properties or districts. National and state historic landmark or district designations are essentially honoring and recognizing the special nature of historic properties. Such designations DO NOT restrict what owners can or cannot do with their properties. Moreover, no property can be listed on the National Register of Historic Places without the property owners’ consent. Designation at the local level confers a measure of protection to historic properties, discussed in the questions and answers below.

  • Why would I want my property/building designated an official Village Landmark or within a Designated Historic District?

Value, pride and assistance are the principal reasons to have your property/building designated an official landmark. Designation can stabilize and often increases property value, making your investment safer.

  • If I own a Village landmark or a property in an historic district, what can or can't I do to it?

You may maintain it as you would any building or property in the Village. However, if you wish to make any exterior alterations to that property, you must obtain a certificate of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission (FHPC). A certificate of appropriateness approved by the FHPC means that the proposed alteration is compatible with the appearance of the landmark in terms of design, scale, texture and materials.

  • What kind of projects require a certificate of appropriateness from the FHPC?

Any new construction, reconstruction, demolition, or moving of a building that requires a building permit, or any changes in material or appearance of the exterior of the property, would require a certificate of appropriateness.

  • What projects do not require a certificate of appropriateness?

Any normal maintenance that does not alter the appearance of the property does not require a certificate of appropriateness.

  • Can I get advice from the FHPC before I start designing my addition?

Yes, the FHPC is happy to advise landmark owners on developing a concept for their construction. Board members have a knowledge of and can suggest resources for architectural styles and details that reflect the owner's landmark structure and can be incorporated into the new construction.

 The Commission meets monthly on the 1st Thursday at 6 pm in the Fairport Village Hall Board Room. 

For information on designated landmarks go to the Perinton Historical Society website.

Village Planner Contact Information:
Jill M. Wiedrick, AICP
(585) 421-3208